Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Unstoppable Force of the Banshee Queen

Most Likely when you are reading this patch 4.1 has been released and most of us are running the new Zul' Aman and Zul' Gurub Heroics it made me start to think about what other races they could do near future patches for.  the one that sparked my interest was the Forsaken. Ive heard rumours about how epic the Undead Quests in Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine forest & hillsbrad foothills are. So I decided to make a new Undead Charactar and experience it as best as I can.

After playing through all 3 zones i was absolutely surprised of what the forsaken had become in Cataclysm before they were a honerable ally of the Horde now they are an Unstoppable Killing machine that fights only for Sylvanas.

After the death of the Lich King, many Val'kyr became "unemployed", and have been conscripted into the Forsaken ranks. In order to bolster the Forsaken's numbers, Sylvanas has put them to work in resurrecting their dead enemies into their service, as explained to Warchief Garrosh Hellscream during their meeting in Silverpine Forest. This new way of bolstering the forsaken has tripled their numbers and each day more forsaken are risen to fight for the Banshee queen and no one else.

Slyvanas has seized this opportunity and launched a campaign to claim the whole of Lordaeron for the forsaken and laid waste to all that stood in their way. The Alliance forces stationed in Lorderan were slaughtered and raised as new soldiers for the army. The Humans in Andorhal put up a valiant fight but in the end defeated by the unstoppable forsaken army. Only the Worgen of Gilneas still fight even though their surrender at the Greymane wall they still hold out in the forests of Gilneas led by Darius Crowely.

Now most likely if you play Alliance your thinking this is all fine with the horde you'll think differently when you watch this:

That alone should give you an indication that Sylvanas's actions are not welcome in the Horde.

The Unending supply of soldiers, the Plague of Undeath we saw at the Wrath Gate that was forbidden by the horde, the Val'kyr & one determined Leader it seems very similar to the Scourge. Blizzard Plan's for Sylvanas are unknown at this point but the theory of Overthrowing the Sylvanas seems likely and you can easily make a dungeon or raid out of that.

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