Monday 16 July 2012

My Expedition in Pandaria

So I just got back in to the Mists of Pandaria Beta and a lot has changed in Pandaria since I last visited back then the maximum level was 87 and the majority of the zones were locked off, now practically all of Pandaria is open for testing except for The Jade Forest which is undergoing reconstruction. Anyway last time I was on the beta I only did a couple hours worth of quests in Jade Forest then stopped because I believed I was spoiling the story for myself.

A couple days ago I decided to give the Beta another go. I soon find out Jade Forest has been locked off for reconstruction so I am unable to complete the beginning of the Pandaria Story and must quest in The Valley of the Four Winds and Karsang Wilds. I am currently unsure if i should begin questing in the Valley of the Four Winds and the Karsang Wilds or if I should wait for Jade Forest to be re-opened. So as an alternative I went on a Expedition to Explore and get a lay of the land. I took Screenshots from my Expedition and added them here: Pandaria Expedition Screenshot Gallery

Thursday 5 July 2012

Basic Hunter PvP Macros

Macros can mean life or death in the arena, having effective macros can make the difference in any kind of PVP. Here are the macro's I use and that have been recommended to me by fellow Hunters.

Switches Aspect of the Hawk and Fox with 1 button

/castsequence Aspect of the Hawk, Aspect of the Fox

Wing Clip then Disengage while using Master's Call 
#showtooltip Disengage
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [harm,nodead] Wing Clip
/use Master's Call
/use Disengage

Target the nearest enemy macro, very useful against stealth classes
Make sure to spam if you are about to get opened on.

/cast Hunter's Mark

Spirit Mend Self Heal
/cast [target=name] Spirit Mend

Scatter Freezing Trap

#showtooltip scatter shot
/cast scatter shot
/cast Trap Launcher
/cast Freezing Trap(Frost)

BM Burst Macro

/use Dps Trinket
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Call of the Wild
/cast Rabid
/cast Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() 

Arcane Shot with Aspect of the Hawk

#showtooltip Arcane shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the hawk, null
/cast arcane shot 

Steady Shot with Aspect of the Fox

#showtooltip steady shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/use steady shot

Cobra Shot with Aspect of the Fox

#showtooltip Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/cast Cobra Shot

Roar of Sacrifice

#showtooltip roar of sacrifice
/target Shadowfôx
/cast Roar of Sacrifice


#showtooltip web
/cast Web(Special Ability)

Kill Command

#showtooltip kill command
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the hawk, null
/use kill command
/cast dash

Wednesday 4 July 2012


I am now officially re launching Death knights Don't Blog but under a new name and different topics. Much has changed for me in game since the last time I blogged and I hardly play my Death Knight anymore so I believe it is time for a change. Train , Study , Bleed is the new revised title where I plan on releasing interesting and relevant wow topics for your enjoyment such as:

WoW News
Hunter Pets
Warcraft Lore
Newbie advice
Fun things to do
Class's Overall
World of Warcraft on Youtube
Tips and Tricks in anything
and the Blog Azeroth's Shared Topic

I hope you all enjoy my new re designed blog.