Monday 4 April 2011

Death Knights Dont Blog. Another WoW Blog

What a time for writers block to strike... the very start of my very first post on a new blog!
I guess its because I haven't really defined yet what I want this blog to be about.   There are a great many blogs about World of Warcraft already. Finding an area not already done to death could prove a challenge.

I've been playing World of Warcraft online for over 5 years now and one thing I've noticed in that time is that my play style is similair and different  to most others.  I have an alt/twink pvp addiction, but that's not unique.  I spend inordinate amounts of time chatting with my guildmates, often never leaving the town or city.  That's also not unique.  Lots of my time is spent exploring the lore and the places in the game but again that's not unique. I do Raids with my guild when I can but still thats very common. As a hunter I enjoy to hunt rare spawn creatures to have as pets  thats also not very unique.  I've been playing my highest level character for somewhat over 82 days elapsed /played time.

The world in WoW is huge and there is so much to see.  Even if I stay focussed and work fairly hard on any one character, the quests in a particular zone do not completely explore the terrain.  To find stuff you need to be poking around the edges, looking in every nook and cranny.

Some of the things I want to talk about:

WoW News
Hunter Pets
Warcraft Lore
Newbie advice
Fun things to do
Class's Overall
Tips and Tricks in anything
Basically anything involving wow that comes to mind


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! Saw your post on Blog Azeroth and thought I'd pop over. Seems like you got a good start! Keep on postin'!


  2. I have been browsing some blogs that talks about WoW. I hope you'll have new posts sooner.

    Buy WoW Accounts
