Thursday 7 April 2011

Shared Topic: My WoW Family

This week’s
Blog Azeroth's Shared Topic was Do your alts know each other? This Topic was given to us by Kamalia

I play 2 different realms with my Dk & Hunter mains both strict PvE and I enjoy to Roleplaying. For example when I am logging off for the night if I have time and I’m in acity or town I will go into the inn and jump on a bed and type the /sleep emote. In Wow when I Get bored I will role play for fun but on many occasions I believe that my characters are all one big family and they all have different roles and destinies to play in the World.

Shadowfôx (Hunter)
The First born and oldest of the family. He is a soldier on the front lines of every world crisis fighting for glory of the horde. He thinks and acts very similar to Garrosh Hellscream very headstrong. Ready to rush into the battle for Blood and Glory with his variety of pets by his side and his excellent accuracy with ranged weaponry.  He spends his time battling all enemies of the horde.


Sarrus (Death knight)
The Cousin of Shadow he is a very serious character he fights for the horde but his main allegiance is to the knights of the Ebon Blade and the Blood elves He does not care much for the Horde & its war with the Alliance. He is the responsible one of the family and strives to beat Shadow in all things. He now spends all his time fighting off all enemies that would dare threaten his people.

Ragnarak (warrior)
Shadows twin brother he is just like his twin but prefers to engage his Enemy’s in Melee range. Always looking up to Shadow as a mentor. He is the Smarter of the 2 and prefers tactical planning & utilizing all assets on the battlefield. Somewhat more of a mercenary than an actual Soldier. He is now stationed in the South of Kalimdor working for the goblins under Garrosh’s Order.


Digit (Rogue)
Sarrus’s Younger brother. He is Young, Cocky, Arrogant, Agile & Highly Skilled in the Battlegrounds his one love is his Job as a Assassin on the Battleground. Takes a Interest In Engineering and is a good friend with Calanor. At the Moment he spends most of his time observing the Orcs fighting styles in Orgrimmar but when the time arises he journeys to Warsong Gulch to battle for the Horde.

Deathspartan (Paladin)
Sarrus’s other younger Brother. He is a fast learner and masters the Holy Light of a paladin at an Astonishing Speed from the teachings of the Blood Knights. He has discovered a Great combination of Retribution armour with Holy Magic for fighting in the Battlegrounds. His role Model is his Older Brother Sarrus. At the Present time he works with the Blood Knight Order in learning more about
Holy Energies.

Calanor (Druid)
Shadow’s cousin The peaceful and tranquil one of the Whole Family, he aids his allies in Combat by his Heals he avoids Conflict & Warfare as much as he possibly can. He spends most of his time keeping balance to the Nature of Mulgore.

Razzarion (Warlock)
Shadow's other Younger Brother, he is a Loner and is heavily involved in Demonic and Shadow Magic he says he fights for the horde But his Motivations are questionable. He Avoids major cities and interacts with the exiled Warlocks of Orgrimmar discussing Shadow Magic.

Grecô (Shaman)
Shadow’s cousin he is the Banker of the Whole Family, deals with all the Income & sales great with numbers he prefers to Work in Orgrimmar then tend to his Shamanistic Calling. At the present time he works in The Auction House Creating more income where he can for the Family.

In Each one of my charactars lies ambitions and goals that i planned for each one of them but not all of the charactars goals were accomplished but one day i will go back to them.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you've written about the different personalities of your characters and how that plays into where they fit into your family.

    My characters also have individual goals and ambitions, most of which are on hold, but which I would like to revisit eventually.
