Tuesday 10 May 2011

Hunter and Deathknight Teir 12

  • Blood 2 Pieces - Your melee attacks cause Burning Blood on your target, which deals 800 Fire damage every 2 for 6 sec and causes your abilities to behave as if you had 2 diseases present on the target.
  • Blood 4 Pieces - Your Dancing Rune Weapon grants 15% additional parry chance.
  • Frost/Unholy 2 Pieces - Your Horn of Winter ability also grants you 3 runic power every 5 sec for 2 min.
  • Frost/Unholy 4 Pieces - Your critical strikes with melee abilities deal 15% additional damage as Fire damage over 4 sec.

Death Knights have always had good looking Pve and PvP gear. In my opinion but from what i can see I'm not gonna enjoy running around in Armour like that. I Personally don't like the look.
Looks Rating: 1/5
Set Bonus rating 3/5
Overall Rating 4/10

  • Hunter 2 Pieces - Your Steady Shot and Cobra Shot have a 10% chance to trigger a Flaming Arrow, dealing 0% instant weapon damage as Fire.
  • Hunter 4 Pieces - You have a 10% chance from your autoshots to make your next shot cost no focus.

Aside from the fact that it looks like we skinned the Fireland's Hunter Boss's face and wearing it like a mask I quite like it.

Looks Rating 3.5/5
Set Bonus Rating 4/5
Overall Rating 7.5/10

    Saturday 30 April 2011

    My week in WoW

    So this week the new patch was released and everyone in my guild went nuts trying to be first people in the guild to get the Heroic Zul' Aman and Zul' Gurub Guild Group Achievements. I was lucky enough to get into the group to be the first guild group to beat Zul'aman which was very nice.

    I also Stocked up on Feral Druid/ Rogue Bind on Account gear to level him as feral and then switch to restoration at 85. He is currently 61 and i plan to get him to 85 and raid heal Ive never been a healer at end game content so it will be a new experience.

    Our Guild Leader returned from his vacation and our Guild/Raid chaos is being dealt with. I also Got my Hunter the Crossbow: Dragonheart Piercer from Valiona and Theralion in Bastion of Twilight on my 2nd time running it my guild leader has been after it for 9 weeks and the day he misses raid I get it which is good for me not so good for him.

    I still haven't done Zul' Gurub yet I don't want to Pug it I'll wait till I get a guild group together and when I can be bothered. This week was a exciting week in WoW the only downside about the new patch is I have to Download all of my addons again which I'm not enjoying.

    Also their is a 4.1 Rise of the Zalandari trailer alot of people havent seen it yet to my suprise so here is the video.

    Tuesday 26 April 2011

    The Unstoppable Force of the Banshee Queen

    Most Likely when you are reading this patch 4.1 has been released and most of us are running the new Zul' Aman and Zul' Gurub Heroics it made me start to think about what other races they could do near future patches for.  the one that sparked my interest was the Forsaken. Ive heard rumours about how epic the Undead Quests in Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine forest & hillsbrad foothills are. So I decided to make a new Undead Charactar and experience it as best as I can.

    After playing through all 3 zones i was absolutely surprised of what the forsaken had become in Cataclysm before they were a honerable ally of the Horde now they are an Unstoppable Killing machine that fights only for Sylvanas.

    After the death of the Lich King, many Val'kyr became "unemployed", and have been conscripted into the Forsaken ranks. In order to bolster the Forsaken's numbers, Sylvanas has put them to work in resurrecting their dead enemies into their service, as explained to Warchief Garrosh Hellscream during their meeting in Silverpine Forest. This new way of bolstering the forsaken has tripled their numbers and each day more forsaken are risen to fight for the Banshee queen and no one else.

    Slyvanas has seized this opportunity and launched a campaign to claim the whole of Lordaeron for the forsaken and laid waste to all that stood in their way. The Alliance forces stationed in Lorderan were slaughtered and raised as new soldiers for the army. The Humans in Andorhal put up a valiant fight but in the end defeated by the unstoppable forsaken army. Only the Worgen of Gilneas still fight even though their surrender at the Greymane wall they still hold out in the forests of Gilneas led by Darius Crowely.

    Now most likely if you play Alliance your thinking this is all fine with the horde you'll think differently when you watch this:

    That alone should give you an indication that Sylvanas's actions are not welcome in the Horde.

    The Unending supply of soldiers, the Plague of Undeath we saw at the Wrath Gate that was forbidden by the horde, the Val'kyr & one determined Leader it seems very similar to the Scourge. Blizzard Plan's for Sylvanas are unknown at this point but the theory of Overthrowing the Sylvanas seems likely and you can easily make a dungeon or raid out of that.

    Saturday 23 April 2011

    Who is the True King of a Guild?

    This Week's Blog Azeorth Topic was Who owns a Guild? given to us by Nube from the The Lonely Pally.

    He says: "Since Cata started Guilds, matter more. In order to receive Guild benefits. everyone most work for them. In Wotlk, Leaving a Guild meant, changing Guild Tags, in Cata means TIME.
    Does a Guild belong to those who lead it?. Should we check Guild Etiquette?"
    I have been in quite a few Guilds since I started WoW a few of them are

    Crimson Legion: Casual/Social Guild my first ever guild (Current status: Barely Alive)
    Brudahoodofassassins: Wotlk raiding Guild but Bad Progression (Current Status: Dead)
    Phoenix Reborn: First Up to Speed Progression raiding guild (Current Status: Unknown)
    Prima Genia: When Phoenix Reborn began to die an officer left to form his own progression Guild I followed (Current Status: Dead)

    After that i went back to the guild I loved and called home Crimson Legion. I was welcomed back as a hero for my conquests in Northrend at the end of Wotlk. Soon after Cata started a few friends were playing on hydraxis (US) so I realm changed 1 month into Cata.

    Inglorious Bãsterds: My Current Raiding Guild Inglorious Bãsterds it is 9/12 10man Normal, This Guild I enjoy alot with a fantastic Guild Master and great people. (Current Status: Alive and Raiding)

    Now that You have seen a bit of my Guild history you can tell I know a fair amount about how guilds work. Now in Cataclysm the Guild system has been completely redesigned, gone are the days where you can change guilds like you change Mounts. Now you work hard to build up guild reputation so you can unlock all the rewards: Mounts, BoA, recipes, pets and other things not to mention guild perks which add a major bonus to whatever your style of play is.

    Even before the change in Cataclysm I don't like leaving guilds because I stay very connected with the Guild and its people but i never regret my Decisions I made. My Thought Process of how Raiding guilds run are like a Kingdom: A Guild Master is the King/Queen the officers are his Advisers, the Raiders are the Soldiers and the Rest are the Civilians/ Population.

    But The truest victory my son is stirring the hearts of your people

    But if the Population & soldiers don't like the King/Queen's way of doing things then they should be removed from power.

    No King rules forever

    With that said, I do not believe the Guild Master has all the power of the guild belongs to its people, raiders and officers. The Guild Master is  the Leader no higher power that makes all the decisions and no one can oppose him/her.

    The entire guild is helping out in gaining guild experience from the lowliest recruit to the Raid Leaders. Everyone does their part in a guild and its impossible for one guild master to gain the rep , experience and progression by themselves. the task falls to everyone with a Guild tag under their name.



    Tuesday 12 April 2011

    Patch 4.1 Death Knight Changes

    These are
    the patch 4.1 Changes to Death Knights even though I am a strict Blood tank.
    I'll list
    everything but I will only break down the general class changes that I
    understand & the mechanics of the Blood changes.

    ·        Dark Simulacrum now works on numerous additional spells in dungeon encounters.
           My perspective: DarkSimulacrum is on my action bar and I rarely use it. But in this change blizzard wants the spell to be a bit more recognized. This new update will make it more useful in dungeons.

      ·        Raise Ally has been redesigned to be a battle resurrection, analogous to Rebirth. It is instant cast, but costs 50 Runic Power to use, and has a 10-minute cooldown. It shares the same global battle resurrection cap with Rebirth and Soulstone

    My perspective: It is good to see that a new battle resurrection is being released so it’s more likely in every raid & dungeon there is a class that can Battle Rez. At the moment Raise Ally is a useless spell no one really uses it anywhere so I’m glad to see blizzard changing it.

    ·        Talent Specializations

    ·        Blood Shield now only works while in Blood Presence

    My perspective: On many occasions blood death knights are extremely annoying to kill and somewhat overpowered in pvp because of the death strike mastery of absorbing damage plus a self heal. This is small a nerf so pvp Death Knights are not that overpowered in battlegrounds and Arena.

    ·        Death Strike self-healing no longer generates threat.

    My perspective:   A Blood Death Knight’s best friend is Death Strike because of its self heal, Damage & Blood Shield Bonus since the healing effect no longer generates threat it will make tanking as a Blood Death Knight just a tiny bit harder but it isn’t that controversial & I doubt it will be missed.

    ·        Blood of the North (passive) now permanently converts both Blood Runes into Death Runes. There is no longer any proc interaction with Blood Strike required to activate Death Runes

    ·        Frost Strike wow Deals 130% of weapon damage, up from 110%

    ·        Howling Blast damage has been increased by 20%. To compensate, the area-of-effect splash now does 50% of the single-target damage, down from 60%. The net result of this change leaves the area-of-effect damage roughly the same as 4.0.6 numbers. In addition, Howling Blast now has a facing requirement

    ·        Desecration no longer triggers when an applicable strike hits a snare-immune target. This is primarily to avoid unnecessary spell effect clutter during boss encounters.

    ·        Glyph of Raise Ally is now Glyph of Death Gate, and makes Death Gate cast 60% faster.

    ·       My perspective: Since Raise Ally is becoming a new Battle resurrectionit is good that blizzard removes the glyph and actually replaces it with a new one.

    Thursday 7 April 2011

    Shared Topic: My WoW Family

    This week’s
    Blog Azeroth's Shared Topic was Do your alts know each other? This Topic was given to us by Kamalia

    I play 2 different realms with my Dk & Hunter mains both strict PvE and I enjoy to Roleplaying. For example when I am logging off for the night if I have time and I’m in acity or town I will go into the inn and jump on a bed and type the /sleep emote. In Wow when I Get bored I will role play for fun but on many occasions I believe that my characters are all one big family and they all have different roles and destinies to play in the World.

    Shadowfôx (Hunter)
    The First born and oldest of the family. He is a soldier on the front lines of every world crisis fighting for glory of the horde. He thinks and acts very similar to Garrosh Hellscream very headstrong. Ready to rush into the battle for Blood and Glory with his variety of pets by his side and his excellent accuracy with ranged weaponry.  He spends his time battling all enemies of the horde.


    Sarrus (Death knight)
    The Cousin of Shadow he is a very serious character he fights for the horde but his main allegiance is to the knights of the Ebon Blade and the Blood elves He does not care much for the Horde & its war with the Alliance. He is the responsible one of the family and strives to beat Shadow in all things. He now spends all his time fighting off all enemies that would dare threaten his people.

    Ragnarak (warrior)
    Shadows twin brother he is just like his twin but prefers to engage his Enemy’s in Melee range. Always looking up to Shadow as a mentor. He is the Smarter of the 2 and prefers tactical planning & utilizing all assets on the battlefield. Somewhat more of a mercenary than an actual Soldier. He is now stationed in the South of Kalimdor working for the goblins under Garrosh’s Order.


    Digit (Rogue)
    Sarrus’s Younger brother. He is Young, Cocky, Arrogant, Agile & Highly Skilled in the Battlegrounds his one love is his Job as a Assassin on the Battleground. Takes a Interest In Engineering and is a good friend with Calanor. At the Moment he spends most of his time observing the Orcs fighting styles in Orgrimmar but when the time arises he journeys to Warsong Gulch to battle for the Horde.

    Deathspartan (Paladin)
    Sarrus’s other younger Brother. He is a fast learner and masters the Holy Light of a paladin at an Astonishing Speed from the teachings of the Blood Knights. He has discovered a Great combination of Retribution armour with Holy Magic for fighting in the Battlegrounds. His role Model is his Older Brother Sarrus. At the Present time he works with the Blood Knight Order in learning more about
    Holy Energies.

    Calanor (Druid)
    Shadow’s cousin The peaceful and tranquil one of the Whole Family, he aids his allies in Combat by his Heals he avoids Conflict & Warfare as much as he possibly can. He spends most of his time keeping balance to the Nature of Mulgore.

    Razzarion (Warlock)
    Shadow's other Younger Brother, he is a Loner and is heavily involved in Demonic and Shadow Magic he says he fights for the horde But his Motivations are questionable. He Avoids major cities and interacts with the exiled Warlocks of Orgrimmar discussing Shadow Magic.

    Grecô (Shaman)
    Shadow’s cousin he is the Banker of the Whole Family, deals with all the Income & sales great with numbers he prefers to Work in Orgrimmar then tend to his Shamanistic Calling. At the present time he works in The Auction House Creating more income where he can for the Family.

    In Each one of my charactars lies ambitions and goals that i planned for each one of them but not all of the charactars goals were accomplished but one day i will go back to them.

    Tuesday 5 April 2011

    New Class Theory: The Demon Hunter

    We are 2
    days away from the 5 month mark when Cataclysm was launched and I began to
    think about what main thing each expansion has given to us. Burning Crusade
    Gave us the Draenei and the Blood Elves, Wrath of the Lich King gave us the
    Death Knight and Cataclysm gave us the Worgen & Goblins. Therefore it is
    pretty obvious that the next expansion is due to be a Class. I’ve been
    considering for a while what they could bring into wow as a new class then I then
    had an idea of one that could actually fit into the current lore which can be
    balanced with the other classes “The Demon Hunter”.
    The Demon
    hunter could be a rogue like class that uses arcane & demonic magic.
    demon hunter can channel the chaos energy within them into their melee weapon
    to increase its power. In time the demon hunter becomes more proficient in
    channeling demonic energy into their weapons, as demon hunters are adept and highly
    skilled at this technique. Demon hunters have shown the ability to cover their
    bodies in a shell of flame. At the pinnacle of evolution, Demon hunters can
    unleash the demon in them and turn themselves (temporarily) into something

    The first ever Demon Hunter was Illidan Stormrage his
    brother did not appreciate his sacrifice to use demonic magic and imprisoned him
    underground for 10,000 years. Because of Illidan’s plan to acquire the demon
    soul for the legion Sargeras, lord of the Burning Legion, gave Illidan a “Gift”
    Sargeras burned away Illidan's eyes with magic fire until only scorched sockets
    remained. Illidan's resulting sight was a maddening display of violent colors.
    His altered vision allowed him to easily recognize both demons and mortals with
    magic powers. In addition, Sargeras covered Illidan's body with black tattoos that
    increased his arcane power.

    Later, a group of
    night elves, inspired by Illidan's example, made a pact to turn the Burning Legion's
    powers against it, fighting destruction with destruction. Obviously they could
    not gain their powers in the same way Illidan did and they discovered other
    means. Since the millennia, other night elves and a few creatures of other races
    have made the same pact.

    So will we see the Demon Hunter class appear in an
    upcoming expansion and if we do who will teach us the way of the Demon Hunter?

    Monday 4 April 2011

    Death Knights Dont Blog. Another WoW Blog

    What a time for writers block to strike... the very start of my very first post on a new blog!
    I guess its because I haven't really defined yet what I want this blog to be about.   There are a great many blogs about World of Warcraft already. Finding an area not already done to death could prove a challenge.

    I've been playing World of Warcraft online for over 5 years now and one thing I've noticed in that time is that my play style is similair and different  to most others.  I have an alt/twink pvp addiction, but that's not unique.  I spend inordinate amounts of time chatting with my guildmates, often never leaving the town or city.  That's also not unique.  Lots of my time is spent exploring the lore and the places in the game but again that's not unique. I do Raids with my guild when I can but still thats very common. As a hunter I enjoy to hunt rare spawn creatures to have as pets  thats also not very unique.  I've been playing my highest level character for somewhat over 82 days elapsed /played time.

    The world in WoW is huge and there is so much to see.  Even if I stay focussed and work fairly hard on any one character, the quests in a particular zone do not completely explore the terrain.  To find stuff you need to be poking around the edges, looking in every nook and cranny.

    Some of the things I want to talk about:

    WoW News
    Hunter Pets
    Warcraft Lore
    Newbie advice
    Fun things to do
    Class's Overall
    Tips and Tricks in anything
    Basically anything involving wow that comes to mind